At the beginning of 2022, there are already more than two dozen licensed bookmakers operating around the world. And this number is increasing every year. For punters, this situation is both a plus and a minus. The advantage is that the competition between the bookmaker benefits their customers. In the fierce competition, bookmakers are willing to reward customers with lots of nice bonuses, convenient betting functionality, etc. But there is a downside to this situation – the more bookmakers there are, the harder it is to choose.
To choose the suitable bookmaker’s office, you need to pay attention to the following criteria:
The reputation of betting companies is demonstrated by online reviews. The disadvantage of this criterion is that most players prefer to leave exclusively negative comments. If the client is happy with the betting company, he will probably not even think of looking for special review platforms.
The number of complaints about the BK is also an indication of its reputation. It is important to pay attention to the nature of the claims and the response of the bookmaker to customer dissatisfaction. Conflicts between players and betting shops occur all the time. Therefore, it is worth considering how the betting company gets out of a conflict situation and satisfies (or not) the players’ complaints.
This is considered to be one of the most important criteria. A bookmaker can be considered reliable if it consistently pays out winnings to its clients. It is important that the payouts are made without delays.
You can find out how reliable the bookmaker is from customer reviews and specialized ratings. Such ratings take into account the following data:
In this case it is very simple – the bigger the odds, the better for the player. The quotations of a betting company depend on the size of the margin. This term refers to the percentage of the bookmaker’s guaranteed profit. The lower the margin, the higher the odds.
Today any player can easily compare the quotations of different bookmakers. For this purpose they have developed a special software. In addition, there are many aggregates of bookmakers’ quotes on the Internet. On these sites you can evaluate the generosity of the BK. And the comparison of quotes can be made for different sports, tournaments and individual matches.
This nuance is especially important for the experienced players, seeking to diversify their bets. Many bettors choose a betting broker where they can bet not only on top events, but also on quite exotic sports or tournaments.
Apart from the width of the line, the depth of the spread is also important. The deeper the coverage, the more options for successful betting.
Today, almost all well-known bookmakers have developed mobile applications for iOS and Android. Therefore, it is important to consider not only the availability of mobile software, but also its quality. The interface of the app should be user-friendly and the betting process should be as fast as possible.
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